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Computational Drug Design and Synthesis - Biophysical Chemistry - Computational Organic Chemistry


Organic Chemistry II

2nd semester: every Tuesday (15:00-16:00), Wednesday (10:00-12:00) and Thursday (12:00-14:00).
A brief description of the material covered is given below (for more details see the curriculum web-site description: School of Pharmacy - University of Athens).

Aliphatic Amines
Carboxylic acids and derivatives
Derivatives of Carboxylic acid
Nucleophilic acyl substitution of carboxylic acids (acyl halides, anhydrides, esters, amides, nitriles etc): mechanism and reactions.
Enolate chemistry: alpha-substitution reactions, malonic ester and acetoacetic ester synthesis, Claisen and Dieckmann condensation, Michael addition etc.
Benzene and the aromatic ring-aromaticity
Electrophilic aromatic substitution - Benzene derivatives chemistry
a) Halogenation, nitration, sulfonation, Friedel-Crafts reactions.
b) Orientation in electrophilic aromatic substitution, effects of multiple substituents.
c) Side-chain reactions (halogenation, oxidation), reduction.
d) Synthetic utility of electrophilic aromatic substitution.
e) Aromatic amines (basicity, diazonium salts, reactions, application to synthesis).
Sugars, Structure and conformation of simple sugars, reactions
Structure of Nucleic acids
Spectroscopy of organic compounds (NMR, IR)
After each chapter one hour is consumed for solving problems.
The last three weeks before exams a lot of exercises are solved.

Students are most welcome to my office for useful discussions any hour per day.


Some proposed textbooks
- J. McMurry, Organic Chemistry (textbook, translated in Greek)
- D. Klein, Organic Chemistry (textbook, translated in Greek)
- Organic Chemistry, by R. T. Morrison and R. N. Boyd (translated in Greek); this textbook is particularly valuable for self-teaching.
Introduction to organic chemistry, by A. Streitwieser, C. H. Heathcock and E. M. Kosower.
Organic Chemistry, by Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, Stuart Warren, Peter Wothers.
3000 Solved Problems in Organic Chemistry, (Schaum's Solved Problems), by H. Meislich , E. Meislich, J. Sharefkin (a version of this book translated in Greek is commercially available); recommended for students preparation for the exams.

Slides of the courses, exercises and exams samples can be found in the e-class page

Chemistry Teaching Resources (virtual textbooks of organic chemistry) (an excellent site with material for advanced students) (named reactions in organic chemistry: an excellent site with material for advanced students) (a site including archive of famous organic chemists) (named reactions in organic chemistry: an excellent site with material for advanced students-some reactions are animated) (a site which among others includes mechanisms of many organic reactions) (an educational resource for reviewing organic reactions) (a free encyclopedia for organic chemistry) (an excellent web-page with research level synthetic problems) (useful organic chemistry links)

Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Drug Synthesis Wet Lab

Tutoring in one of the four lab periods (each period is 4 weeks long) included at 5th and 6th semester.
Every Monday (14:00-18:00), Thursday (14:00-18:00) and Thursday (14:00-18:00).

Related Resources (on line organic chemistry manual) (on line laboratory manual)

Proposed textbooks
Experimental Organic Chemistry, Standard and Microscale by L. M. Harwood, C. J. Moody and J. M. Percy (Blackwell Scientific Publications).