2021-today: PhD Candidate in Drug Design and Synthesis
♦01/2024-today: PhD Candidate on Computational Drug design
♦ 10/2021-01/2024, MRes in Dept of Pharmacy, NKUA, MRes thesis: structure-based drug design of new antagonists against A3 adenosine receptor using MD simulations and TI/MD binding free energy calculations
♦ 2015-2021, MPharm degree, Dept of Pharmacy, NKUA
♦ December 2023 - today: PhD candidate, computational drug design for membrane proteins
♦ 2018-July 2023: MPharm
Project thesis: MD simulations of compounds to influenza A M2 protein to support ssNMR experiments (collaborative project with Prof Loren Andreas, Max Planck, Germany)
♦2024-today: PhD Candidate in Computational biophysics
CG and AA MD simulations of GPCRs-lipid interactions
♦ 2021- 2024, MRes Degree, Computational Biology-Bioinformatics, Faculty of Biology, National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
CG MD simulations of GPCRs - cholesterol interactions
Thesis: ''Comparative study of receptor and receptor state-depended cholesterol binding sites in Angiotensin 1 Receptors using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations''
♦ 2013-2021, Integrated Masters Diploma in Biological Applications and Technology Department, University of Ioannina, Greece
Diploma Thesis: “ Utilisation of Databases and tools of bioinformatics in Enzyme engineering and molecular modelling and docking of EstDZ3 with ligands of interest. ”
November 2023-today: research collaborator, biophysics of influenza A M2 drugs - membrane interactions, liposomic formulations of anti-Mtb drugs
♦ January 2023-October 2023: post-doctoral researcher, biophysics of influenza A M2 drugs - membrane interactions, liposomic formulations of anti-Mtb drugs
♦ July 2022, EBSA post-doc fellowship for running d2-ssNMR experiments in Dr Phill Williamson group (Chemistry, Southampton)
♦ March 2016 - December 2021, PhD in experimental and computational biophysics of influenza A M2 protein systems (A. Kolocouris)
♦ 2016, MSc in Organic Synthesis and its Applications in Chemical Industry, NKUA, MSc thesis: docking calculations of drugs actining on lipoxygenases (T. Mavromoustakos)
♦ 2014, Degree in Chemistry, NKUA (MSc equivalent)
Skills: FEP/MD alchemical calculations, MD simulations, ssNMR, SAXS/WAXS, DSC experiments
Academic positions:
♦ October 2023-today: teaching staff in Dept of Nutrition, Univ. of Peloponese (biology in undergraduate students)
♦ January 2023-today: post-doctoral researcher, Dept of Pharmacy, NKUA, study of Adenosine and P2X7 receptors using atomistic and coarse-grained MD simulations. Implementation of binding free energy calculations to design new antagonists (A. Kolocouris)
♦ Jul.2018 -January 2023, PhD Dept of Pharmacy, NKUA, in CG MD simulations of adenosine A1R - cholesterol interactions (A. Kolocouris)
♦ M.Sc in Drug Discovery and Translational Biology (University of Edinburgh)
♦ Degree (MSc equivalent) in Molecular Biology and Genetics (Democritus University of Thrace)
Skills: AA and GC MD simulations, Free energy calculations
Research collaborator: Computational mechanistic organic chemistry: gold-catalyzed recations, weak hydrogen bonds in peptide folding, organic molecules and drugs conformational properties by DFT calculations.
♦ May 2023-today: research collaborator
♦ Dec. 2019 - March 2023, PhD in FGT calculations of Au(I)-catalyzed reactions of π-systems
♦ 2002-2004, MRes. in Synthetic Medicinal Chemistry (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
♦ 1996-2000, Degree in Chemistry (MSc equivalent) (University of Patras, Greece)
Skills: Ligands synthesis and full NMR spectra characterization, DFT calculations in reaction mechanisms calculations and in exploration of weak hydrogen bonds in peptide folding (NBO calculations).